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Travelling with Heart Chakra

heart chakra desert flower over silhouette Travelling with a balanced Heart Chakra
At the eve of a cross country trip I started going over possible events in my mind, typical things that could occur throughout a full day of travel. Starting with an early trip to the airport, connecting flights, taxi to the train ...that's a full day.
I could imagine an infinite amount of possible experiences, which I could plan for or I could just go with the flow - of course I choose the later
...going with the flow ...and ease.

I know it's always, my experience that I will be having
...so, I intend to focus on balancing my heart chakra.

Being mindful, with a balanced Heart Chakra which is the center for love, compassion and spirituality.

My intention is to travel with love and compassion for those I come in contact with ...spirit as unity of all. - enjoy the day my friends ...peace☼

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